(no subject)

Feb 03, 2008 00:24

 And now we get back to our regularly scheduled angst...

I tried to begin the court-martial plotbunny that I'd gotten, but my writing was emotionless, unoriginal, and not at all something someone would read. I started it and the words were just clunky and uninspired, so I stopped for now.

And then while watching The Wedding Planner, my muses decided they wanted to provide angst.

Title: Weddings
Rating: PG-15
Pairing: Surface Norribeth, subsurface Gillington, but angst all around.

Weddings were for ladies.

That's what James told himself, that weddings and all the associated fripperies were purely for show and for the bride's pleasure, nothing more. It's why he murmured  a polite assent to the suggestion that the planning of their nuptials be postponed until the bulk of the hangings were over. It was completely understandable, and the continuous sinking feeling he felt in his heart had everything to do with the shadow of Sparrow's execution hanging over everything and nothing to do with the upcoming wedding, which of course was for women and therefore made perfect sense.

Completely understandable even, just like the recurring dreams of being shackled to a wall in a dark, lonely room.

Weddings were not for gentlemen. It was what was expected, what had to be done, for both their sakes, by which he meant the reputation of his bride, of course.

It had nothing to do with the cold reception of his First Lieutenant since the moment of his engagement. Cold nightmares, born of skeletal demons affected them all, their nerves frayed by the impossible becoming horrifyingly and realistically possible.

It couldn't be the wedding that affected them, because, as James knew well, weddings were for ladies.

I'll be doing homework tomorrow, so feel free to interrupt. ;) Then I'm going to eat some pizza and watch the Superbowl (purely for the commercials). I'm not really into football, so I just pick the team with the prettiest colors to win. ;)


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