Okay, so the other day the headhunter that recruited me called me about a paperwork thing and said that the people at work were very impressed with my performance. Funny, I still don't know my ass from a hole in the ground there but I won't argue. She then said that if they make the decision to hire from the temp pool that I'm a very likely candidate. Good news there.
Now for the bad news.
1. Today the other temp told me that one of the regulars said "Now, you didn't hear this from me, but they're not hiring the temps this round." Now, this could be one of two things. Either the headhunter was blowing smoke up my ass or they were blowing smoke up the other temps ass because he's a bit...slow on the uptake. I don't know who would know better. Now before you say the regular know that I'm assuming this girl is a headhunter and not a person from HR who would actually know what the projected budget for hiring is and the source of my information could fuck up a wet dream given the chance. I could be wrong. I hope I'm wrong. I like this job and I don't want to lose it.
2. My bike got hit today in the parking lot of the Home Depot. I was parked facing out and just forward enough that someone looking for a parking space would see it and not pull in on it. Apparently that was close enough that someone backing up backed straight into it. Minor cosmetic damage (I know, how can I tell? Easy, my headlight now faces the ground) and now it won't start with the starter. I can push start it (which sucks in a black jacket) no problem but it won't start with the starter. Hopefully
z_kungfu and I can figure out what's going on. Good thing it's not a new bike...
Which brings me to the really big bad. Now I'm wondering if I should even bother owning anything nice. I'll be the first to admit I've fucked up something I own out of stupidity but this is getting silly. First I lay the bike down(totally my fuck up) but then it's stolen, then backed into. What if I had bought a new bike?
Eh, whatever.