Title: If you could see me now.
Warnings: A tiny tiny one for 'Captain Jack Harkness'
Ratings: PG (ish)
Summary: Drabble sort of, Jack/Ianto. Slow and Boring.
To be honest, I'm really not sure about this drabble, so if you've taken time to read this please leave a comment with suggestions or whatever.
Thanks to my amazing beta
plingo_kat "Okay, Ianto, we'll play it your way - safe and boring."
Owen's voice echoed in my mind. It was definitely one of those if-you-could-see-me-now moments. Safe and boring. Safe and boring? If I had told Jack, he would definitely disagree with both statements. I mean, here we are on top of the Millennium centre, me handcuffed to the roof, Jack wearing leather and pounding into me. Safe and boring? If you could see me now...