I spent the morning finishing my final project for this quarter's Foundations of Figure Drawing class. I've been dreading it because, normally, I don't much like self-portraits. But I applied some Renaissance aesthetic to it and lo! A self-portrait that I actually like.
It's not the best likeness in the world but, at this point, I say I am done. Done, I tell you!
There are no grades for these classes at Gage; which, at first, I found a little disconcerting. However, I like that now - the lack of a metric. It leaves me free to try various things and fail, sometimes, when I do. Without the pressure of 'making a grade'.
In any case, I'll take this to my last class, tomorrow, and get a critique. Then, after our last couple of pose sessions with the model, we'll break and have a wee party. Joanne is bringing wine. I'm going to bring fruits and whatnot (our model is gluten intolerant). We'll turn up the music and enjoy the rest of the day.