Since I'm mainly doing painting using the indirect method, it's hard to explain to people who haven't been following along at home just exactly all the steps that go into creating a painting based on the methods and materials of 1500s Milan, Italy. So I started working on wee examples by first applying gesso to six small canvases. After that, I toned five of the canvases and drew on a cartoon/sketch. After that, I started the verdaccio on four of the canvases. That's where I am at right at the moment:
After these dry, I'll retouch the verdaccio and wait for it to dry again. Once I'm satisfied, I'll put an initial glaze layer on three of these. Then, a shadow and highlight glaze layer on two of these. Then, finally, a second shadow and highlight glaze layer on the last one. This should really show, in a short number of steps, how things get worked up and out.
I found working on these wee canvases to be rather fun and am looking forward to the next step. There's nothing like doing multiples of something to really work out how to do things.