So steer a course, a course for nowhere / And drop the anchor, my little empire

Mar 05, 2012 04:24

So when I
last posted, I closed out December with an eye on 2012, making the epigraph: "I can't wait for this next year to begin."

Some words are meant to be eaten.

So far, inasmuch as I'm concerned, 2012 can go die in a fire. Nothing much good has happened in my life, and it's mostly been a whole lot of shyte.

But I'm not here to talk about that: enough of 2012. Instead let us fast-forward four years to 2016. Specifically, May 1st, 2016. 50 months from today a few days ago (when I, *ahem*, started composing this post).

In the aforementioned missive in which I bid adieu to 2011, I promised an expansion on my plans to bike across Russia. The same plans that have been idling away on the back burner of "yeah, yeah, I'll get around to that someday" for a good FOURTEEN YEARS now.

Seriously, I hatched this plan shortly following my cross-Canada bike trip in the fall of 1997: for a length of time that's rapidly approaching half of my life, I've been planning to do this, but only in a time frame no more definite than "sometime before I die."

Well, no more *:

I has a plan! It's a nice long 5-year plan, but hey. And there's admittedly a lot of stuff at the end of said 5 years, and not so much at the beginning. But the part at the beginning is proceeding apace. Also as of a couple of days ago - precisely 10% of the way into that big green bar titled "Save Money" - I put the 5000th dollar into my specal bank account that I've set up for this, right on schedule. So by early 2016 I should have $50k (plus interest, but with interest rates at approximately zero, I'm not really paying much attention to that.)

With any luck, all that other stuff will happen according to schedule as well.

So come May 1st 2016, I embark on the red section of that Gantt chart, otherwise known as the "fun part":

holidays, travel, biking

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