First off, I just want to clarify to Liz that this isn't talking about you. :) That said, this is an unusual rant in that it's about a topic I don't usually care to talk about or read/hear about: politics. I don't like politics, I don't want to hear who others like or why they're voting for that person. That said, allow me to be hypocritical and talk about my thoughts on politics.
I live in the Drake Neighborhood. Clinton and Obama were in the neighborhood yesterday for speeches or something. You know the kind of gathering. Kissing babies, flashing fresh smiles, making pithy and quotable speeches, and sniping their opposition. Thus, the neighborhood was crapflooded with Democratic party signs and politically-minded Democrats who assumed that people they interacted with are like minded.
"Do you support Hillary or Obama?"
It's hard to say which one I support. An equally tough question is "which one would you rather see have their knees broken on television?" I support whichever Republican beats them.
On the whole, I don't mind Democrats. I have many Democrat friends that I get along fine with. I even have a couple of the hemp-wearing, Forester-driving, organic-farming, Kashi-eating sort. None of that makes me annoyed, because I am cool with being friends with people who are different than me, and for the most part they are, too.
What pisses me off is that some of them have this smug belief that at some deep level I wish I was one too, like I lay awake at night desperately wishing I had the strength to support partial-birth abortion or not eat meat anymore. Note to them: The world is not divided between a) people who think like you, and b) people who are either stupid or wish they had the courage to be like you. Sometimes two people can be intelligent and articulate and arrive at completely opposite conclusions about what values are important. Let's be friends and just respect that we disagree about things and not belabor them.
K, I said my piece. I don't really want to talk politics any longer, and definitely don't want to debate. I just felt like venting.