Movie review of sorts...

Jan 25, 2007 15:38

For some quite time now, I was curious about the anime and manga of Honey and Clover. The anime was given a second season in Japan. It must have been good to be able to do so.
The torrent of the live action movie with subs came out a few days ago. Curious I immediately downloaded. I reckoned that I want to know what is with the series. However, I do not have the space for and patience to wait for downloading all the anime episodes. The live action movie which always condenses a drama of 12 or so episodes or an anime of 24 episodes would have to suffice. Movies generally capture what a long story tries to convey in a span of 12 one hour episodes.

It finished downloading. I then watched...

Well into the movie, I can immediately recognize that Honey and Clover is of the shoujo manga. Well duh...(¬_¬)  Hahaha (o^▽^o) But I cannot help laughing once I encounter those tell tale images. There was stalking, the eccentric yet quite charming girl, the timid boy who has not yet fallen in love to name a few and not to mention the convuluted love diagrams.

( ._.)ø Nostalgia of past times fills the air though evanescent.

All that was a bitter sweet experience.

The only thing I do not like that about the movie is the "loli-angle". (;´Д`)× ダァメ!ダァメ!
But Khursten says Hagumi is at the same age as the rest of the cast... ウ・・ ウン(・_・;) Well she does not look like it.

hachikuro, movies

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