Manga weekend

Jun 02, 2008 14:53

Last week, I got an "extended weekend".  My work week ended by Wednesday and from there onwards I was free from any real obligation. Well, I did some chores and some errands like  wait in line in the DFA for 4 hours,  go to Makati and get a certificate that was supposed to be mailed to me, attend a christening,  etc. However, most of the time I was idle. I really wanted to play  with the DS but my hands are still aching a bit so I abstained from touching the DS for a while. Surprisingly, the wi-fi signal coming from our neighbor was unusually strong for that past weekend so i was able to view scanlations of manga nonstop for a period of roughly 3 days.

I finished all of the chapters of Soul Eater that has been scanlated. All I can say is that this shounen title outdoes every "uber-popular" shounen title out there (of course this excludes the classic One Piece and Gintama). This is how shounen should be  said  my otaku friend. Well that is really the consensus of people about this series. This is a gem of a shounen without  any emotional baggage whatsover and very  tight pacing.

I also looked at one BL title that have been made into anime and is airing now at Japan. All I can say  about  Junjou romantica is that  it is very much like your standard fare shoujo titles out there and the only difference is that the "lovers" you are dealing with are of the same sex. Well if you get past that its really all the same! I really like the Usagi-chan and the Misaki couple in this series. Their episodes are hilarious.

Well, I also got curious with one particular hentai title of cult fame. It is called Futari Ecchi. It is about a newlywed couple who are both much ignorant on the "way of sexual relations". The comedic manga is about how they are as a couple and how they discover for themselves how to *ehem* have sex.  Well, if you are looking for a ronery or raunchy manga, you looked at the wrong thing and better look at the SMUT category. This is really a very funny light take on one particular aspect of marriage and that is the sexual relationship part. I wasn't turned on or or any of that while reading this manga. Well there are still those scenes where in the temperature rises so to speak. However, the comedic timing in this manga is the one that sold it. I was really wearing a smile for I was amazed at how incredible amount of detail as well as research the mangaka and his team put in this manga. Besides the panels and all the technical stuff that makes a comic a comic, the manga is peppered with facts as well as statistics that are really informative for any young MARRIED couple out there.

A little segue  before I end.  Well in real life, the protagonists of the manga I just mentioned above are really of a something like a big pebble in a sandbox. Those cases are really rare if you think about it. It is only really once in a blue moon that you will find a a Japanese marriage that both parties (husband and wife) are sexually inept. I am not being an expert on the subject but I have seen so many statistics in several occasions that says even those as early in their Junior high, the Japanese tend to have some sort of sexual experience already. Maybe that fact contributes to the charm of the series.

That mostly is the highlight of my manga scanlation reading weekend. Of course I read the usual shounen stuff that comes out every Friday or Saturday. I also catched up with the chapters of Tsubasa that I missed.


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