"It's once a year, it's Christmas time. When we hear about how Christmas only comes once a year."

Dec 04, 2010 16:38

 I'm thinking I am going to put my old layout up. I care not for this one.

So, I'm applying for University of Michigan's theatre program. What does that mean? Let's take a look at all the facts, shall we?

1. The deadline date for applying to the theatre department is Dec. 1.
2. You need a shitload of stuff to apply to the theatre department.

So. Yeah. The thing is, I only just recently discovered my yearning to move on to a better theatre school. I don't particularly like the acting program at Central because it isn't very specialized. I feel like I cannot work on my craft as much in this school because the courses that are provided are very basic and broad. I have to go to a specialized acting school.

"But Chelsey, the deadline is December 1st. You're past the deadline date."
Why, yes, you're right, friendly person. But that discouraged me for about two seconds until I looked at an update on the website that states that they are currently in their grace period for accepting admissions. After a little e-mail, I asked the woman who is head of admissions when she believes their grace period is likely to end, and she said in about ten days.

And on the website it says it goes a little longer, but I am shooting for getting this all done in a week.

And what does that mean for me? Well, it's finals week! So I am going to be infinitely busier than I initially was going to be just studying for my *cough* two *uncough* finals.

Oh, and by the way, yes, I am extremely pissed off at myself that I even considered the transfer so late. And I am also quite angry at myself that I want it so terribly bad.

The upside, I am pretty optimistic about this. McNutt told me that I probably don't have the chops for U of M (academic-wise because of my lower ACT scores) but surprisingly, I didn't get discouraged. I really want to try, for once in my life.

So, one day down. Six to go. This is going to be so (pardon my use of the word) EPIC.


admissions, school, u of m

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