May 04, 2003 12:33

On Friday I went out on a spicy date with the gf and afterward we stopped in at Wegmans, the supermarket world's biggest symbol of American wealth and power. While there I spotted Wasabi Peas, a snackfood of Livejournal fame almost a year ago. This being western Pa I was shocked to see them and decided to buy a can.

Man, they're tasty! They hit you with heat, but then dissipate so as not to leave you with too much pain. My gf pointed out, however, that they have horseradish in them, not wasabi. I just took another look and they have yellow #5 in them, too.

Could these possibly be worse for you? Yes sir, may I have another!

Paper due tomorrow progress: page 12. I may actually be done within a reasonable hour!
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