Corona virus lockdown 3

Jan 10, 2021 23:46

Welll we’re currently being told by the media and government that it’s all our (the people’s) fault that corona virus is spreading like wildfire, especially in the south. When it’s in actual face the governments fault for dealing with it so terribly and refusing to act on it to keep people safe. 1000 people die a day from it and a week ago my friend Quaid died from it at 29 years old. It’s absolutely not 2 people going out for a socially distanced walk, or me taking my family to the beach that is causing this unbelievable spike in infections.... it’s the governments’ delayed response in locking down.

And don’t even get me started on Brexit. What a shit show. Found out today that the UK negotiators turned down the offer of a musicians pass so we could work and tour in the EU without massive financial cosy.
Northern Ireland is still in the EU Trade block and there’s a trade border between Britain and NI. The people of NI can’t get all their food shipped over there because of EU red tape and the UK twatty Tories failing to prepare anyone for what the trade deal would be until Christmas Eve with no working days left before Brexit on NYE.
Twats. I hate Tories.

In other news. The terrorist president Trump has 10 more days of tyranny before the Democrats take over. What a hill they have to climb now that he’s turned millions of people into conspiracy theorists not believing any facts they’re told.... election? - rigged.... Corona? - Chinese virus or hoax.

Personal news... it’s been a year since my sister told me her big news. She’s still with Owen and hasn’t moved out. Her cruelty to him is something I just cannot take. I wish she would move out asap as I miss speaking to her. She is my sister. But I can’t pretend that staying with someone who you don’t love and are having affairs behind their back is ok. - especially when you know it’s not ok and you’re refusing to leave.
Fucking leave and be kind. Don’t send me Christmas cards pretending he doesn’t exist.

Speaking of abhorrent arseholes, I miss the bants with the lads on WhatsApp. Had a Zoom catch up with the chums last night seeing as we’re locked down and can’t see anyone. Good crack. Some of the lads are struggling.
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