It's been a while... ...and will be a while more.

Sep 16, 2022 12:39

My goodness, I have been busy doing fabulous things to improve myself and my life, while also enjoying it all.  Where should I start?

No where.  Every where.  There is too much to share and so little time.  Essentially, I have gone Super Sayan with my well-being and I am unflappable.  My health is improving.  I am absolutely beautiful in every way. My classes are going well.  I love my new job.  My cat is really healthy and everyone loves him.  My life is coming up and improving with all sorts of upgraded and good things afoot.

I even treated myself to some super fly and super comfortable new house slippers, because I am actually saving money and able to actually enjoy life and better direct my finances these days.  It is really amazing, this place I am.  I am emotionally non-toxic and so is my life. This is what happens when the chain of broken, toxic people is stopped and the links are fixed to create stronger, healthier, and more positive chains. I am no longer on the fringes, gripping the threads of a potentially amazing reality - I am swinging from the chains with relative safety and happiness.

This busy gal probably needs to finish lunch and return to work.  
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