Super busy... clowns will eat me.

Jun 18, 2022 21:34

I have been incredibly busy.  I am taking three classes this summer, I am having work done to the house, I have family obligations, I had some folks to help during evacuations with the wildfires, and my training at work is picking up.  It has been hectic.  I wanted to squeeze a post in, but I have been so busy and there is not much to report or otherwise think about.

I keep on trucking, and the stuff gets done.  I am hoping stuff starts falling off my plate.  Especially as I am contemplating going to school full-time in fall to speed up my progress and plans.  I am in a good space with myself and I am finding myself working well with my classes because I do have familiarity with the topics.

I just do not have a ton to say now.  Perhaps when I have more down time in between things.  I also need my blog less for the reason I have had it for nearly 20 years.  Imagine that.  This blog and the Gilmore Girls.  Two things with less and less time in my house anymore... 
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