Asthma - Primetene Mist vs Albuterol

Mar 02, 2009 08:31

WebMd has an article by a doctor on Albuterol vs Primetene Mist

Why do I care?

Because last night my asthma was not being well controlled by Albuterol. I work up 4x in the night to take medicene, both allergy and Albuterol, to try to get my wheezing to go away. It subsided with Albuterol, but never did go away.

I am going to share this article with my wife, and ask to purchase some more Primetene Mist.
It has been 12hrs since I started wheezing yesterday, just took two puffs at 8:30a, will see how things go today, as the only inhaler I brought to work was the Albuterol. Wheezing has subsided to about 50%, but _still_is_there_.
7pm - Just got home a little while ago. Asthma was at a 8 on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being 'Go to urgent care.'
...Took a puff of Primetene Mist, waited one minute, then took another puff.

...It has been about 15min since the 2puffs. Asthma severity now is about a 2-3,much better. Annoying that it has not gone to zero, but this does happen to me a few times a year.

albuterol, primetene mist, asthma, webmd

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