nethack - tnnt - attempt six - further

Nov 25, 2023 11:41

Yesterday, risked going to the deepest Quest level. Found a ring.

Then went back out of the Quest to the regular dungeon, and its level that had the quest entrance, and an altar the Adventurer had converted to Tyr (lawful). Tested the ring to confirm not cursed, then wore.

Floated! Huzzah, it's a ring of levitation.

Now will go back to the Medusa level, and try to find the shield of reflection and/or better armor. Will also try to revisit the dev team level, as there was a chest surrounded by lava that levitation should allow access to.

Adventurer is now XL20. But AC0 seems "not good enough" to battle the quest nemesis. Also, sadly, most of the armor is flammable. Only the mithril and helm are not.


TNNT continues to be harder than my debian stable version of nethack. Used the ring of levitation to visit all the islands on the Medusa level. No shield of reflection found. The statue of Perseus contained an empty bag, no shield. The lava-guarded chest on the dev team level contains two scrolls of identify.

So, kinda stuck. Guess I'll try to revisit all LVLs at or above Medusa, and try to see if I can find ways to enchant the armor I have, or find better armor.

I dare not go to the levels below Medusa with AC0, as I think would get the Adventurer killed, as the 1st level below Medusa contains two minotaurs.

I don't want to go against monsters of that class without the Orb Of Fate to provide 1/2 damage extrinsic.


With a +2 ring of protection and a ring of conflict, even with AC1 armor, decided I had to try to complete the Quest. While in the deepest level of the Quest, put on the ring of conflict as I neared the nemesis' location. As the creatures fought each other, a wand of cold became available!

Retreated. Took the wand of cold back up to the converted lawful altar at the quest entrance level. Tested it. It was uncursed *huzzah!*

Went back down and fought the quest nemesis while wearing the +2 ring of protection. Used multiple zaps from the wand of cold to defeat them. Now have the orb of fate, and bell of opening.

After the battle, the flammable armor being worn was further burnt. Now AC2, but will now go back to LVL1, then past the completed Quest to see if the Castle can be reached, and find some dragon scales, to create dragon scale mail.

Adventurer still XL20. Wearing mithril and lots of burnt other armor. AC2. Wearing amulet of reflection. Carrying a luckstone, the orb of fate, and bell of opening. Ctrl+X shows the Adventurer has completed 80+k moves so far.

There are only five days remaining for TNNT 2023. It seems unlikely the Adventurer can get to the vibrating square at this rate of progress. Will be curious to see how far can be achieved, but actually completing the normal dungeon, which was my hope/goal, doesn't seem likely.


Adventurer is still XL20. Thanks to the Orb of Fate, even with AC0, surprisingly, have made it to the Castle. Thanks to having a source of levitation, have bypassed the main gate, and circled around via the alternate route. The four dragons guarding the armory were orange, green, and black.

The black left scales after being dispatched. Used an uncursed scroll of enchant armor to turn them into black dragon scale mail. Now AC is -5.

Next will be to slowly and carefully dispatch most of the Castle level enemies, then find an uncursed long sword for beginning Gehennom. Still seems unlikely the Adventurer will get to the vibrating square at the bottom of Gehennom, but now seems possible.

So far, the TNNT2023 nethack hasn't allowed the adventurer any wishes. Need to remember to try to find a scroll of genocide, get it blessed, then use it to genocide all lich, before attempting Gehennom.

2023, nethack, tnnt

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