nethack - taking another break from the game

Sep 11, 2022 13:32

nethack - taking another break from the game

Statistically, I have gotten better.

This year, 2022, I was able to get the farthest I've ever gotten: to Gehennom. Was able to reach it three or so times.

But, also statistically, my Adventurer dies when I am still trying to get to the Castle Level or even while trying to get ready to do the Quest, or finish Sokoban, or finish the Gnome Mines and get a luckstone, etc.

It's frustrating to keep getting killed off most-of-the-time way before I'd expect to in a game session. Usually it is because I cannot find a required dependency, like Levitation, or Conflict, or a Wand Of Cold, Reflection, etc etc etc..., and a Nasty shows up where without them, I get killed.

So, in all the years of playing, no Strategy has revealed itself to me, where I have better overall survival. Dying too early in the game too many times in-a-row leads to my frustration, like now, where I need to just walk away from nethack for a while.


So now I am going to search for other Debian native games where the goal are games that have long gameplay per session, that can span many days.

Games like gnuchess or gnugo, I've tried in the past, but for those I'd rather play chess or "go" as a social activity with another person, not myself against the computer.

debian, nethack, contagion, 2022

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