Electricity. Solar power. PV. EV.
One of the houses in my neighborhood recently purchased a Tesla Model 3, so that is one more EV nearby. The same house installed a PV solar system, a big one. I counted about 25 panels on three sections of their roof. *huzzah!*
So, I might guesstimate PV houses in the few blocks surrounding where I live could now be 0.5%. One out of every two-hundred houses. The number of EVs might be approaching 1%.
So, decided to see where I am at, on electricity consumption, and the energy used by the window fans I use often (many hours-per-year of use).
On 2021-11-19, the utility electricity meter on our house indicated 73,153kwh.
Used my killawatt meter to measure two window fans I use to ventilate the house (the house we rent as no HVAC, just window A/Cs and a floor furnace).
- Small white dual fan window fan, on HIGH: 40watts
- Lasco brand 20" high-output fan, on LOW: 70watts
- Lasco fan on MEDIUM: 90watts
The most recent entry in this journal tagged with "kwh" was 2015-01-15, with a kwh meter reading of 31,172kwh.
Using my timediff program, the number of days between 2015-01-15 and 2021-11-19 is:
mrflash818@pip2:~/projects/cplusplus/timediffcpp$ ./timediff 2021-11-19 2015-01-15
(exactly 2500days?! It made me think I had an error in the program,
so I verified using LibreOffice calc. Calc gave the same result.
It's 2500days. trippy!)
The power consumption difference is 73153 - 31172, so:
mrflash818@pip2:/tmp$ echo $((73153 - 31172))
41981kwh/2500days = 16.8kwh/day.
16.8kwh/day / 24hrs = 0.7kwh/hr, for my power consumption over the interval,
assuming utility meter is the same one during the interval, etc.
So, for a family of five, I am feeling we are doing "not bad" in our electricity usage, so far.