Kodachrome (2017) - my father - creatives - PlanA career

Jun 05, 2021 20:38

Kodachrome (2017) - my father - creatives - plan a career

Just finished watching Kodachrome, via Netflix streaming.

Powerful. Related to the story and the characters.

Could relate to the Son's character. Having a larger-than-life father, with a strained relationship. Feelings of pride for their father, as well as hurt, and not measuring up, in their mind's mirror.

My step-father enjoyed amateur photography. When he traveled, he had a few pictures like the ones portrayed in the film: boys playing in the surf, happy in that moment. Pictures of sailboats in a harbor. He had a good eye. His father was into photography as well. Had a garage darkroom. I remember it in a small room of my step-dad's father's house, in Sacramento, when we visited when I was a boy.

Many memories triggered, re-remembered by this film. Wow.

The film was beautifully done. Recommended. Felt it strongly. Wiped tears from my face.

The fact that films like this get created, where the Characters, Story, and Execution are done with such love of Craft, of story-telling, not to maximize profit with ticket sales, but seeming to know it's a gem, and will impact others: wow.
My "PlanA" career desire

Inspires me to continue to want to be a part of such projects, whether it's a website, open-source program that entertains or benefits others, or ???, ...if they will have me.

Just the idea of getting to be a part of such, like I have gotten to do in the past, makes me Happy.

career, netflix, father, contagion, creatives, happiness, 2021

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