dispensary resupply run - legal recreational cannabis near the (626)
Went back to
The High Note - East LA. Went in the morning when they are not busy. Was able to in-and-out quickly.
They were out-of-stock on my preferred brands of THC oil and CBD oil, so asked what other equivalent brands and choices they had in stock.
The drops they had were pre-mixed combinations of THC/CBD in various ratios. Ended up choosing "PAPA and Barkley" brand 1CBD:3THC ratio drops. Each bottle has about 700mg THC and about 250mg CBD. The cost is about US$ 70 per bottle.
Because of contagion (COVID) I decided to get a year's supply worth: two bottles.
EDIT 2020-12-27
Current regimen is to consume two drops with a little bit of fat-rich or oil-rich food (a piece of toast with butter, or some cheese, etc) at about 9pm or so, to then get relaxed and sleepy, for a target asleep bedtime of 11pm or so.
EDIT 2021-01-22
I do like how this product is working for my body. Here's a picture of what I purchased. Pix:
EDIT 2021-12-24
I still like this product, and think it may remain my 1st choice. One bottle, at my current consumption rate, has lasted a YEAR. I have only now gotten close to finishing the 1st bottle. Current regimen is 4drops at bedtime, Sunday through Thursday. Friday and Saturday are typically abstinence/tolerance-break days, where I have zero intake.
EDIT 2022-01-15
1st bottle fully consumed. Starting to use the 2nd bottle. So, one bottle lasted thirteen months at a weekly use rate of (5days*4drops/night, then 2days of tolerance break), per week.
EDIT 2022-12-02 Lately having 3drops or 4drops per night, around 10pm. Doing tolerance break weekends every few wks, as needed. Did a visual inspection of my remaining bottle. Has about 40% remaining. Estimating I will not need to do a resupply run until maybe March/April of 2023 (yay!).
EDIT 2023-06-16 The last remaining bottle is almost empty. There is probably 5% remaining. A dropper-ful or two. Have started to only use 2drops at bedtime, 10:30pm or so, to wean myself in case I run out and have to try to sleep without it for a while until I can re-supply at a local dispensary.
Both bottles were kept in a drawer of my home office desk. Room temperature. In the original cardboard boxes they came in from the store, away from light (in the desk) since their purchase in year 2020. As far as I can tell the potency did not noticeably degrade. Neither bottle's contents has "spoiled" or went bad.
EDIT 2023-07-21 Finally finished both bottles of cannabis drops. Did wean myself off, and reduced use to 2drops at 10pm to 10:30pm for many days, over a week, to "ease down."
Sleep back to being a bit more erratic. Sometimes having trouble feeling sleepy until midnight. Sometimes going to sleep at the usual time, 11pm or so, but then waking up at 5am for no reason, and laying there awake with eyes closed, before giving up on more sleep, and just starting my day.
Mostly sleeping fine, but would guesstimate the erratic sleep is 2nights/week, so far.
Will do another dispensary run in the next week or two. Likely will just get 1bottle, now that I know that 1bottle typically lasts a year.
This will likely be the last update/edit, as will start a new LJ entry with the new resupply, when I go get some.