Electricity usage - 11,475kWh so far

Aug 20, 2011 17:38

Utility electrical meter reads 11,475kWh today.
Back on 2010-01-20 my self-post mentioned the meter stated 159kWh.

So, lets see how my household average has done in that span of time.

11,475kWh - 159kWh = 11,316kWh

Now using timediff (whee!): robert@pip:~/projects/clang/timediff$ ./timediff 2010-01-20 2011-08-20

So the difference is 577 days between the two measurement dates.

So now using the differences in kWh and days...

11,316kWh/577days = 19.61kWh/day of usage.

19.61kWh/24hrs = 817watts continuous.

EDIT: At this time, all the lights in my house are either LED, CFL, or old-fashioned tube florescent.

The only exception, for very good reason, is the two 40w incandescent bulbs over my wife's sink in our bathroom, so she can apply makeup, and check her appearance, under 'regular' light.

timediff is my own GPL program that calculates the number of days between two dates, using the Gregorian Calendar algorithm. The source code lives at http://mrflash818.geophile.net/php/clang/index.php

clang, utility, kwh, timediff, electricity, gpl

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