Jul 17, 2008 08:35
A story from Vera Brown, who knew Brian back in Liverpool...
"We'd been to the Knotty Ash Club for my sister's engagement [party]. The Beatles had played there, along with Rory [Storm] and a few other groups. Afterwards, as usual, we all went back to the house and Brian came along.
If you saw the Beatles at my mother's they were just a scruffy bunch of boys. And who'd look at them? I wouldn't bother with them but then Brian stood out and Brian looked like the real thing. He was handsome. He was tall. He was immaculate. That's why I let Brian get behind the bar with me and help me serve the drinks. He was the best of the bunch.
So we were just behind the bar when Elvis came on, "Heartbreak Hotel." He loved it, I loved it, and we started dancing. There wasn't much room. You know, you could go two steps forward, three steps back and that's it. So we sort of got a bit close and everyone was laughing at us, saying, like, "what's going on?" And we got pretty close but I wasn't surprised by the way he was acting towards me.
We were dancing and kissing at the same time. He was probably one of the sexiest fellas I had ever met. People say, "Oh well, Brian was gay," but he wasn't very gay with me. He was just like any other man and more. He was easy-going and funny. He'd make you laugh and he could dance. You know he could move...
I think he was pretty fresh. In a house where people are looking at you it's not like a club with all the lights out and people tend to be aware of others but Brian wasn't that bothered. He was interested and he showed it. Maybe he'd had a bit too much to drink. I don't know. But I can't say that because I met Brian afterwards and he was still interested...
It's hard for me to believe Brian was gay. I think if I had been free and if I'd seen more of Brian I think we could have got serious. I think he was all man. I just can't accept that he was gay.
In the shop Brian seemed like a man, like your dad shouting at you and superior. He had an attitude of superiority. But later on I discovered he was just like any other man. I thought he was a very passionate, loving person. So if there's a third person involved--this gay person--I just say he's one hell of a man to be able to please everybody. You know, he was just unique. That's all I can say."