Nov 05, 2009 11:45
I have to start getting ready for work soon and do a few other things before I leave.
1. Shower.
2. Put pajamas on.
3. Walk the dog.
4. Feed & water the dog.
5. Feed & water the pig.
6. Feed the turtles.
7. Put work clothes on.
8. Do my hair/make-up (I have to dress and look "nice")
9. Put away clean dishes.
10. Start a load of laundry.
11. Leave and go to work.
Once I'm at work, there are other things I must do.
1. Watch all customers and be hyper-aware (think Ninja) of my surroundings.
2. Make sure employee doesn't just stand around and is also at least somewhat aware of surroundings.
3. Put away "go backs".
4. Complete to do list.
5. Quetly mock rude customers.
6. Try and remember the procedures on how to close the fucking store.
7. Exit store.
Once work time is over, there are other things I must do.
1. Drive home.
2. Eat yummy dinner that is sure to be waiting for me.
3. Clean dishes with boyfriend.
4. Totally have sex.
5. Look at IE history and mock boyfriend for watching porn again.
6. Watch porn.
7. Totally have sex again.
8. Pass out in bed.
9. Awake moments later with the realization that I really have to piss.
10. Go to bathroom.
11. Piss.
12. Lay back down.
13. Scratch boyfriends back until he passes out.
14. Fall back asleep.
Once I'm alseep, I'll be dreaming about zombies, no doubt.
1. Realize that, through word of mouth and a short lived broadcast from a dented radio, zombies are on the attack.
2. Form a group of rag-tag, like minded fellows to try and survive with.
3. Witness zombie rip the flesh from the bones of a neighbor,
4. Run like fuck.
5. Come to a river.
6. Follow religious practice that exsists only in this dream.
7. Tie a group member up to some large sticks and planks of wood.
8. Float tied up member down river in hopes of appeasing ZombieGod.
9. Religion fails, like usual.
10. Dodge zombie before it bites my neck.
11. Wake up and shake for a moment.
12. Get the fucking covers back from boyfriend.
13. More sex.
14. Go back to sleep.