(no subject)

Feb 11, 2009 20:34

Nasılsın? Iyiyim.
Izmir çok güzel :D Istanbul da^^
Görüşürüz, Anna

Wow, I'm soooo good :D
Hm, okay, here is my new phone number:


Oh, for dinner I just had some very awesome Turkish dish: Börek
Very, very yummy :D

I'm still uploading pictures, since it takes a very long time... Here some first snags from Istanbul :D

Have fun^^

Haha, ok, we had very bad weather :D Here something better:

Jodie on the left and Julia on the right are also staying in Izmir with me.

Julia and myself - keep in mind that it was raining - a lot :D

Just if you wonder : Yes, everyone in the room is an AIESECer and either doing the same traineeship or from the Turkish committees.

And this is my very favourite Brazilian trainee Caio :D Isn't he cute?

That's it for now,

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