The Matthew Dorbin Complaints Chorus

Aug 12, 2009 13:45

The Referendum 71 signatures are looking downright squeaky-clean (never mind the fact that some of them were gathered fraudulently and the Secretary of State's blocked the release of the names so nobody can ever prove it). And to get anywhere, we have to reach out to the undecided voters, which means choking down my rage and putting on my least threatening face and trying to convince them that I'm an actual person.

A for-instance: there's a friend of friends of mine who went through heart surgery a month ago and has had a very long, hard recovery. His wife's been with him the whole time and I honestly have no idea how anyone could cope with that. If something like that happened to Ben, I would have to worry about losing my job on top of everything else, because I have no guaranteed use of my sick leave or medical leaves of absence to care for him. If I did leave my job to care for him, I wouldn't get unemployment. Just some of the many legal benefits of marriage-that you can't get with a power of attorney-up for grabs in this election, and they're being used as political football.

(As an addendum to that, because the Washington state initiative process was apparently designed by the love child of Timothy Leary and Lewis Carroll, you need to vote APPROVE on Ref. 71 to retain the rights, which is going to confuse everyone for the next two months. If you're not in favor of retaining the rights...actually, just don't tell me. It'll be better for you and for me and for anyone in between us.)
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