
May 01, 2009 13:06

Living life is getting in the way of writing about it, for the most part. We got a screening email for a private adoption agency last week, which does not really mean much of anything. A screening mail from OAFS would mean someone was interested in us and wanted to know more, but I think for private referrals they just send everyone who matches up and let the attorneys go from there. I am not exactly biting my nails yet; like I said, life's been busy.

We're off to Puerto Vallarta tomorrow, for the wedding of two friends of Ben's. I'm not overly worried about the flu, and even if I was, there are more reported cases in Seattle than in the entire state of Jalisco (that being none). I am a bit miffed that they're closing all the bars till at least Monday, but I'm sure we'll find ways to entertain ourselves. Ben is investigating our games drawer and trying to find some things that are low-weight. I wonder if I can get the bachelorette party to play Are You A Werewolf... (see bars, closed). I've told Ben if the trip is lame he owes me another one in the fall, but I'm not sure that works when you're the sole wage-earner.

Plans for a proper garage to store vehicles on the property in Usk are moving along quickly. Ben's going to try to do some more work on the interior of the existing cabin after we get back. I think that'll make about 25% of the last 30 days that he's actually spent at home.

Work is still driving me crazy, but at least I don't have to work on the Big Awful Project everyone else does. I'm hoping I can stabilize some of my areas under the radar while I'm working on whatever it is I'm working on besides babysitting the intern this summer.

On top of all this, the summer overscheduling is in full swing. cow's coming down for bits of one weekend this month, two Prides next month, tubing and a trip to Vancouver in August, and that's just what I can remember off the top of my head. Ben was saying something about a wine tour in Walla Walla that we should probably schedule if we're going to do it. I may never sleep again. Except in Mexico, when I'd otherwise be out at the bars, I guess.
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