Marking time

Mar 12, 2009 14:24

I have officially done everything that I can do until the next daily build of the product comes out! Too bad nothing particularly interesting has happened in the last week. Saw Watchmen, mostly loved it (mostly: I'm sure that having the Jewish superhero have awkward sex to Hallelujah sounded GREAT on paper but I think someone forgot to actually listen to the Cohen version before it was too late), played games. Easiest babysitting ever with livingdeadpan last night; Drew just sat there and chewed on the remote control to something while I changed him, even. (I'm used to full-on screaming.) I suspect Pod Babies. We should probably be going out and enjoying the last of our no-kids time more. Ben's got a trip to Spokane planned for the end of the month; I should figure out something I like to do that he doesn't while he's gone.

I shouldn't complain too much though; of all the ways our life could become more interesting, I can only think of one that's good.
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