And on the 8th day, God created nerds. And Adam and Eve did tease the nerds, and there was rejoicing

Dec 18, 2003 16:29

Found a good example of how bad webloggers blow. In my interests, I rattled off a few of the first things that came to my mind. MY head is a vast wasteland of random thought, and one of the things I wrote down was "The Spanish-American war." Why? I have no idea. I might have well put down watching Hee-Haw or drawing ellipses on my neighbor's garage door with my grandma's feces. It's all random words, similar to all of your pointless journals. Anyway, There is actually another person with "The Spanish-American War" as an interest. I bet he creamed his shorts when he saw that interest highlighted on his user info. "OMG! I have someone to talk to!" Then he probably got to my journal, read some, and hung himself with his mouse cord. At least I hope that is what happened. I love doing my part to help thin the herd. Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest really needs to be applied to humans.

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