spring ahead to ranting!

Mar 13, 2011 12:44

1. so for all purposes, i was interning. i quit. i really didn't like it, and don't think i was all that good at it.

this girl i went to school with and works in the industry i was interning in, sends me a message on fb (prob after reading on my wall that i quit in response to someone else's post on my wall). 
i haven't talked to this girl in any way in probably over 2 years, and i have even left messages on her fb wall.

she just wanted the low down on me quitting. she asks is it true that you were interning and that you quit?

i sent back a message that said hello.

if you're going to want petty gossip at least have the decency to say hello first.

i told her i did quit and it wasnt for me. not much more than that. a few lines later and she signed off. have fun gossiping.

2. not understanding a few things about my brother.  we share a room and his feet stink (wreak!) and im quite certain he is aware of this.  my mother has told him to apply foot powder (bc i asked her to tell him :)
but still when she doesnt - yuck. and i have some suspicion he does it on purpose. and yeah i lack the cajones to say something about it. just sucks.

and he puts his hands on the wall, knowing it aggrivates my mother (who bends over backwards to accomodate and help him!!)  hes told me she told him not to do it, so now everytime hes by that wall he intentionally does it.  toolish!!!!

he does plenty of things like that, mean/spiteful and i just dont get it.
please help me to be kind and nice to him and hopefully someday somehow some of that will help him to be less angry/hateful/vengeful/spiteful at the world.

3.  stupid little things that annoy the ********* out of me.  like mycar. the first accident was my dad hitting it. no biggie. got it repaired and repainted. only its a *** job and the paint is peeling from the day i had it done. im not a fighter, even when it sucks so it is what it is.  the odometer stopped working so i cant use it. great. the antenna i snapped off when clearing snow off my car so there went the radio. one of the few things i actually like. music. great. theres a tape stuck in the tape deck so cant use that. (it also use to be adapter for cds, but cant with that tape there.) and i feel that if i get it out the next one is just going to get stuck.

not big deals but somehow all together they are the things that get under my skin. rahhhhhh.

in other news, sorry about japan. i wish i had the resources to clean up or at least assist you.

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