For some reason I feel that I wasn't overly social on the weekend, yet I'm reasonably sure I was. After a quick breakfast at the Vic Markets I popped home to welcome home parents from their English sojourn with some fresh produce. They were most appreciative, and also appreciated that I hadn't killed any of their chickens while they were away.
NaNoWriMo planning starts early in my world. I have a hideously layered plot surrounding superheroes, mad scientists and their world, and it really needs a lot of massaging to make it work. Fortunately I have
treefern to feed my ego with praise, my stomach with deliciousness, and to give thoughtful input. There's still some way to go though.
Now, as some may have had an inkling of, I'm soon to be homeless. This is not helped by the general state of the housing market, which stubbornly refuses to sell anything worth buying. I saw four properties in Richmond yesterday that were a combnation of too expensive, poorly positioned and run down. Boooooo. Interesting times ahead.
Last night some good folks and I went off to see Mad Max I and II at The Astor. It was an odd experience. The Astor has never been renown for its sound, but most of the first film was completely illegible, I'm thinking because the music was so loud and unnecessarily over-the-top. The second was obviously a lot more polished, but was still car porn. That Water World completely stole its plot is also obvious, but also made a better film. (Too obviously courting controversy there?)
In more narcissistic news, I've begun a course in teeth whitening. I figgered why not, given that I'm going to have a coupla teeth replaced (those almost destroyed by my earlier upper-teeth alignment issues, since fixed) I may as well replace them with a better colour.