Feb 04, 2007 21:50
Squash really lets you know when you're unfit. My inactivity over the past few months and all this heat has me standing round hoping that they hit it back to me. I must get into some fitness work. I'd ride to work tomorrow, but it's going to be 38C and strangely I find my enthusiasm wanes.
I've seen Pan's Labyrinth and I guess I was a bit disappointed, a little underwhelmed (and perhaps also just "whelmed"). I'd been told it was violent, but it's only violent if you consider it a movie for children. I guess my biggest disappointment is that it turns out to be one of those films where there's no proof it wasn't all just in her head. There was no reliance on making anyone believe in what she believed and no real tension in her interactions with the faery. In the end, status quo is maintained. Boooo.
The neighbours have recently installed an air conditioning unit and they use it too much. The temperature outside is perfectly fine at this very instant. This kinda thing makes me think a lot about overall energy use. As people live longer, they require more energy. For example, as you age you're less able to cope with changes in temperature and so energy for AC units grows. so everyone is constantly fighting age with exponential energy use. I wonder how much energy goes into advertising signs and lights and whether it wouldn't be better to just turn them off.
I guess the real problem is that we have no way of storing energy. So it's all a matter of judging how much energy is required at any time and turning on the turbines because we can't just look ahead; capacitors just don't have the capacity. Best we can manage is to use energy to split the hydrogen out of water and store that. Yes... we have so much water to spare. If only there was something we could actually use salt for other than sprinking on my potatoes, all that sea water could be used.
So perhaps in 200 years time, when the sea levels have risen 50cm and we've welcomes our new insect overlords, the people will look back and wonder if it could all have been any different or if we destroyed ourselves because it wasn't practical to do anything else.
Alternatively, we may have achieved our purpose in the universe. We may have learnt to subvert reality for our own goals. What, nobody else thinks this is our purpose in life? Without an ability to manipulate the universe our lives are meaningless. Right now the universe doesn't care about anything we do. It's all about resources and how they're used. Earth is a pretty small part of that massive equation. Unless reality becomes ours then we will be nothing more than a blip in time, and we will have failed to make a difference. Join with me, kind fellows, and look forward to a day when reality works for us and not the other way around.
blaming old people