Mar 25, 2009 09:34

I am a white South African, consider myself a child of Africa who cannot place myself anywhere else but under the blue-blue skies of this great continent. I am also aware that I understand little of the cultures, traditions and belief systems that contribute to the melting pot that make up this rainbow nation.

Under the surface of urban sophistication there is a deeper layer of belief where traditional healers, sangomas and inyanga’s are consulted more readily than medical practitioners. There are conversations with ancestors through mediums; there is a rain queen who reigns in the mountains. I see well trodden circles and hear men dressed in white singing on the koppie behind my house at dawn. I respect and admire these traditions and the heritage of those that walked this land long before we came. Some illnesses can be healed by traditional healers but sometimes this stand in the way of the miracles of modern medical science.

It also helped little that South Africa, until recently, had a Minister of Health, the esteemed Dr Manto Tsbalala-Msimang, who supported the use of garlic and beetroot as a cure for Aids.  A fool who did not see the need for anti-retroviral drugs to be freely distributed to those afflicted with this terrible pandemic. Thanks God she’s since been kicked out of this portfolio although she’s still fills a ministerial post.

Then there are those that pry on the fears and illness of the gullible. Let me introduce you to Professor Wakho (Not wacko) & Dr Ismail. They are Astrologers, Herbalists, Healers and Researchers that will cure all within 5 days for a R50.00 consultation fee.

“The only professonal (sic) doctor (sic) who will listen and attend to all your problems because of disappintments (sic) in your life”

I have scanned in their flyer for ease of reference should you wish to avail of the good professor and doctors services. These flyers and those of other highly qualified healers are handed out on street corners in Jozi regularly.

I am going for a consultation for number 19 on the flyer - “Bring you to see your enemies and make demands on them using a mirror". I'm sure this will work as I am my own worst enemy most of the time. Whether I'll listen to the demands of my saner self is another story!

Click on images to enlarge therby expanding  your knowledge about the wonderful world of Wakho


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