The joys of fun

Apr 11, 2005 23:00

Sometimes it is hard to know when to discuss other people on here. As ericjherboso noted the other day, you never know who is reading.
Then again, knowing who is reading can also make it hard to know what to discuss!

I'm listening to Les Mis (as you can see below). it's kind of weird. Either of never listed to the CD version before, or a different one, or something. It just has *some* different singers, and seems to have a different pacing (very slightly) to the music. It's freakin me out! Especially the guy in red and black who sings the 'I am agog, I am agast' line - he's like some redneck version of the real thing. It's as bad as when it was on TV a while ago and the international cast was doing it. There were a couple of parts being played by American singers, and it just sounded *so wrong*.

Which reminds me:joybon, I called to see if you might have Phantom on Cd that I could borrow. Also, if you (or, indeed, sabriela or drealle) want to come out one day and have lunch with myself and the governors daughter1 - and presumably wesley_rdh - that would be grand.

Anyway, the 1 year old's birthday party was excellent. There were chocolate crackles, and fairy bread, and various other bits of extremely-high sugar content food. The one year old was my non-god son.

The funniest part when his 3 year old brother's best friend arrived (to keep seb from getting cross at all the attention NGS was getting.). The friend arrived and seb went into an epilepsy2 of excitement. It;lasted a good 5 minutes, and his buddy was similarly excited. We all laughed and laughed - and then wondered if their was something actually wrong - and their wasn't, so we kept laughing.

Then (some time later after much failure to share by young people - those under three not so much on the listening and remembering) we all had dinner and had a long conversation. It was one of those conversations which should solve all the ills of the world, damn it.

Oh well. I no longer remember where I was going with this, so to bed it is!

1 he says, finally giving in to - admittedly- a far superior nickname than the one used previously.
2 Not a word you normally get to use as an...adverb? but it works here.
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