Apr 09, 2005 11:36
Friends back...makes writing seem more worthwhile to know it is more widely being seen. Shameless hussy that I am.
Reality continues more or less uneventfully. I've got some kind of phglemy thing in my head and lungs at the moment, which is annoying but non fatal (Well - I certainly hope!).
Side note: A lot of current music is really bad. I know it is my fault for turning on the TV while video hits is on, but there's a song on right now the lyrics of which seem to be things like 'boys are rotten, made of cotton, girls are sexy, made of pepsi'.
Anyway, so this week i've spent a lot of time trying to organise people to care about things that will change their jobs rather a lot, and a lot of time wondering why no-one cares.
Well, I'll keep this short - I've got to go buy a present for a 1 year old.