Journal Lockdown Initiated

Aug 08, 2020 10:35

I've decided to be like the cool people and friends-lock the majority of my entries for the time being.

There's no real reason for this, I just feel like doing it. A rare spurt of impulsiveness, I guess. At any rate, I will probably be keeping the vast majority of my entries from now on visible only to those on my friends list.

To those who aren't exactly LiveJournal-savvy, this means you need to have an account (which is completely free) and comment here, tell me who you are, and let me know that you would like to be on my friends list. I will add just about anyone... friends, family, lurking internet stalkers... I'm not picky. Simply comment and be a legitimate person and you will almost certainly be added.

One thing to realize, though, is that this is both my journal and my home. It contains my personal thoughts, opinions, and experiences. You and I will probably disagree with each other on several fronts, and that's okay. You are very welcome to challenge me in intellectual dialogue in these instances. But just as I will respect you as an individual, I hope that you will also be respectful of me. My journal is a social, informational, and intellectual outlet, not a source of gossip or blackmail. In short, please realize that you are reading my personal journal, and if you don't like what you see, take your concerns up with me, not with everyone else.

Well that was a rather serious-sounding disclaimer, wasn't it?
Anyhow, feel free to drop a comment, and hopefully I will update this a little bit more often in the near future.
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