Right time for a catch up cos I haven’t done one for a while. Only excuse is I have no excuse, I have been way, way too slack. Oh and I was so ill I was in hospital on Saturday. News of note….hmmm well Jake has now met my parents and my twin brother and sister. At the moment I am not a hundred per cent sure what people think of each other. I think everyone is just digesting the weekend and will hopefully tell me more than a “Yeah I liked them/him” in the coming week or two. I have to say the weekend was REALLY eventful on account of me being so ill. And I shall tell you about it now:
I went to work on Friday morning feeling a little crappy. I had just rebleached my hair so that it was all nice and bright when I saw my family and Jake and it looked good because Jamie had just made my Mohawk really sharp. My hair looked GOOD! But the rest of me felt crappy. I was a little run down and felt kinda sick - I just put it down to my IBS, that I was having a bad day. So I do some shopping on the way to work, I replace my fountain pen lid which had broken the day before and I look for some food which will make me feel better. Then I get to work and make a start. Work has been going pretty well, my stats are up and I’m only getting a little bored while I wait to go back to training. This is when I start to feel really, really bad. I have to put my customers on hold while I go vomit three times during the day, each time wishing it was the last and sure as shit that I’m not going all the way home after lugging my stuff for the weekend all the way to work so I can turn around and go all the way back across town, 300 yards from work to be picked up by my step-dad Chris. So I finally finish work and I did pretty well considering (I looked at my stats today and my sign-on was what it shoulda been and my effectiveness was a little low but that’s understandable right!?), and I go meet my step-dad. We head on up to IKEA on the way home because Mother wants a new bed-settee for the office and Chris promised we’d pick it up. I warn him I am feeling a little shakey and that my IBS is bad but I should be ok and we go buy the sofa and I pick up this really cool little table which is perfect for my laptop. It’s a bit of a fiasco and Chris gets a bit stressed but I take it in my stride. When we’re done we head to Pizza Express for dinner - it is currently about 10pm. I have Brushetta to start and Salad Niscoise (check out my spelling! LOL) to follow and start feeling really bad again half way through the salad. I don’t finish it and Chris pays the bill. We go outside and I vomit it all back up in the car park in front of my step-dad and a pub full of people. I am humiliated and feel SHIT! When we get home I tell my mum and she frowns at me (my IBS should not be like this) and she cooks me some plain rice as I have thus far not managed to keep anything inside me the whole day - not even water. I have 3 mouthfuls and start feeling like I wanna vomit again, so I say my good nights and head to bed. I sleep fitfully with stomach pains and I get up to vomit 3 more times in the night.
I get up in the morning and my mum says it’s not my IBS - I agree and she suggests that I call Jake and put him off. If I do this Jake and I would not see each other for a month. Luckily it’s too late and he is already on his way. Mum and I go to pick him up and we head home via Sainsbury’s and then I hang out feeling ill and vomiting whenever I try to eat or drink anything. Eventually mum and Jake gang up on me and I call the doctor who has me go into the hospital where they tell me I have a stomach bug and give me “Dioralyte” to stop my puking and get my blood sugar and body chemisty back up to scratch. By this time I haven’t eaten or drunk anything in 36 hours and I feel like poo. Through out all of this Jake is so caring, and attentive and doesn’t mind it’s a crappy weekend. So I make it up to him in the evening by building the bed-settee for my parents and then giving him his first ever Sauna experience. I can’t go in with him properly cos I would probably have died so I lie on the bench and chat to him while he wanders around me all sexy and naked. He really enjoyed it I think and was totally relaxed when he got out. Then he had a roast chicken dinner with my parents (in their PJs! - not Jake, he was fully clothed!) and he tried Marrow for the first time too and liked that as well, I had a mug of vegetable stock because it was all I was allowed. We then watched Banger Sisters on DVD and my parents went to bed when my sister got home. Then me and Jake went to bed too.
Day Two at Case De Caswill and I am feeling much better. I have some toast for breakfast and we hang out for the morning with my sister and my brother comes over and we all have a really good day. We have a Raclette for dinner, something else Jake has never done. Then we watch this music DVD that my family love. All in all it’s a really nice chilled weekend, except when I am ill. At about 7pm, Heather, my sister, takes me and Jake to the train station and we say our good byes and head on home. By the time I get to home I am starting to feel a little bad again so I go straight to bed to sleep it off.
Monday comes and I feel like shit again so I phone into work sick and sleep the entire day. I build my new laptop table and my laptop starts fucking up. But since I am writing this, today it is now pretty much fine.
Right, in other news:
- I registered with a doctor today because I promised my mum and Jake that I would. I have an appointment on Friday about my IBS, my weight (I am 5’7” and weigh 117lbs - this is not healthy!).
- Jake’s notice board advertising the LGBT society at his college got vandalised. A whole portion of it got ripped down. So Jake put over the vandalised board “Proof that homophobia exists at Long Road” (Long Road being his college). This in turn got vandalised by changing the “homophobia” to “hetrophobia”. I have suggested that Jake take down the whole display and put up “A VERY PUBLIC INVITATION TO ALL THOSE WHO BELIEVE THAT HETROPHOBIA EXISTS IN LONG ROAD. PLEASE COME TO A DEBATE WHERE YOU CAN PUT YOUR ARGUMENTS FOR HETROPHOBIA AT LONG ROAD TO THE COLLEGE.” And then when they get there make total and utter fools of them. To do this start the debate ask them just one question:- when have they been a victim of harassment, bullying, discrimination or attack because of their heterosexuality at Long Road? And then shit on all of their answers from a great height with so many facts about instances of homophobia and gay history. Hehehehe - Revenge can be so sweet.
So that’s me all updated - sorry it’s been so long. Will try and be a better Livejournaler from now on!