First Post, LE GASP (redone -.-)

Jul 21, 2009 00:59

First POST!!!
Yeah, so i'm new to LJ.... joined main because this crazy girl here ---> paranoiacafe
So yeah... anyways "Haru" or as many people call her, pocket, was bugging me about not having any posts up, sooo here ya go Finland, Enjoy!

And just so, she doesn't kill me for posting a useless.... post i'll list some things about me.

Let's see here... the name is Michael Beccari, i usually go by Kimchii, though one of my friends like's to refer to me as Sweden... you can probably guess who.
My likes are: sleeping, being with my friends, making people smile and laugh, cooking, and Finland ;D
Dislikes are: inconsiderate loud mouths who don't care about other people, growing up, and Airborne chewables, they're like nasty, you have no idea how bad they are.... really, never ever eat one
my dream... is to own my own little cafe, in a town of friendly people, where everyone knows everyone and things are always the same, where i can raise a family that i can love and support, with no problems, whatsoever.

So, yeah.... there's your first journal entry.... enjoy the peek into my soouuul.

Maybe i'll post some more, maybe i won't... depends on whether or not a short lovable girl i know wants to bug me about it again hahaha

Ja ne!

finland, first post, me

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