OOM: With Tanya Adams

Sep 06, 2009 14:17

Damian shows Tanya into his room, which is rather plain and relatively undecorated. At the moment, he is a vampire of few words, but the depths of his emerald eyes hold an eagerness that speaks for itself. He is pleased to find the room empty, which likely means that Jean-Claude is not in Milliways. When it comes to feedings, he prefers a bit of ( Read more... )

oom, damian, tanya adams

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tanyadams September 5 2009, 21:51:07 UTC
Tanya has worked down the bottle a bit, used to drinking.

When the loneliness gets too sharp, a drink helps the night go by faster. "No real preferences for me. You have any?"

The Commando is an interesting sight, toned muscle, light tan skin... she dresses still in partial military ensemble, BDU pants, combat boots, a tank top.


mr_smarty_vamp September 5 2009, 22:39:20 UTC
Damian lets a bit of his power leak out, and though the smile he gives her doesn't quite reach his eyes, it is still one of those looks that draws one in, enticing and seductive.

"That depends on how intimate we decide to make this." His eyes move over her, taking in her appearance. The sum of it all is that Tanya is so very alive, and that is an allure that can't be explained to one who isn't undead. He has been with women of all shapes, sizes, colours, and occupations. That Tanya is interesting in build and style is just a bonus, really.

His mistress, Anita, has ordered him to not have sex with those acting as donors, and he is unable to disobey her, no matter how much he is tempted. If he wanted to split hairs, he would use Anita's definition of sex instead of his own, which would allow everything but actual intercourse, but with all that has just happened in St. Louis, he doesn't dare ( ... )


tanyadams September 5 2009, 22:43:39 UTC
Tanya is far from unresponsive... no matter what are her usual preferences she is over past trauma and other unpleasantness, and the touch makes her tilt head. "Hm..." That was a shiver. "Really... up to you?"

She is curious about it all, it is in her scent. But also, she feels it weird to ask for 'intimate'.

The commando signed up for it, and it is simpler to trust (or dare herself) and hand the decision to Damian. "Your pick..."


mr_smarty_vamp September 5 2009, 23:36:52 UTC
Damian likes that shiver. It's a very human response and shows him that she is curious if not eager. Tanya is already distracting him from all the drama in St. Louis, and it's only going to get better, he thinks.

"Your neck will do," he decides, circling his fingers a couple times before pulling back and leading her to the sofa. He kneels on the cushions and motions her to do the same. He usually positions those he feeds from so that they face away from him, but he allows her to face him. It's a whim, one he doesn't know the reason for, but he gives into it.

Scooting closer and wrapping one arm around her waist as a support, he lets his bloodlust spill fully into his eyes. "You will feel pleasure throughout, and the mark will be sore for a few days. Do you consent, Ms. Adams?"


tanyadams September 6 2009, 00:08:20 UTC
Tanya follows him, very curious indeed, and sits as directed to.

That is something very different, that look: suddenly she understands all the fascination vampires cause and realizes that if Damian wishes, she will be back other times.

Terrible, no?

"Yes, I do." Her voice is clear and surprisingly firm.


mr_smarty_vamp September 6 2009, 00:35:34 UTC
It is reassuring, the force behind that voice. There may be alcohol in the woman's veins, but she is coherent and gives her honest permission.

He doesn't wait for any other indication, but cups her face in his free hand. The coolness of his skin might be a bit of a shock, and the hand is soon joined by his lips as he dips down a fraction to kiss her.

Damian is aware of her at all times, ready to alter his course if she shows a sign of revulsion or discomfort. Kissing a vampire is a bit different from kissing a human, but it is not inherently unpleasant. Plus, this particular vampire has a millennium of experience to draw upon.


tanyadams September 6 2009, 00:53:55 UTC
It is very different, and it also feeds Tanya's curiosity; after a moment or two of getting adjusted, she seeks a deeper kiss on her own initiative, hands on Damian's shoulders.

He can surely feel her pulse, her heat, the scent of her life, and a touch of submissiveness under it all.

His call on when to advance, the woman is ready and eager to try.


mr_smarty_vamp September 6 2009, 01:25:01 UTC
In her, he feels all that he currently needs: blood, life, eagerness... right down to those hints of submission and alcohol. When she deepens the kiss slightly on her own, he takes the lead once again and slides his tongue into her mouth. He is thorough and erotic in his exploration of her mouth, and he works to bring her to a breathless state, wanting her pulse to race against his fingertips before he moves away from her lips ( ... )


tanyadams September 6 2009, 01:45:25 UTC
It does take a good stretch of time until she is breathless: Tanya can hold for a while, skin warming up, enjoying the contact, the closeness, shivering with his cool skin against hers.

When Damian pulls back the woman is left gasping in a mild daze, shuddering in bliss at the touch on her neck. She tilts head to help the vampire explore, exposing her neck and closing eyes while he teases that spot, blood rushing quick and warm right under the skin, pushed by her strong heart.


mr_smarty_vamp September 6 2009, 02:33:12 UTC
She is very fit; he can tell that much simply by the way her heart beats strongly. The way she pushes into his touches and exposes the vulnerable parts of her neck to him is nothing if not an encouragement. He takes advantage of her hazy state to weave his magic through her, beginning to roll her mind as he sucks more firmly at her neck, forcing the pulse up toward his lips.

When the skin becomes thin and pounds with the pressure of the blood beneath the flimsy barrier, he opens his mouth wide. His hands tighten at her low back and in her hair, and his fangs sink into warm flesh.

The blood that fills his mouth is hot and exquisite, and he uses the intensity of his own pleasure to push metaphysically into her mind as well. He doesn't hold back, rolling her so that only a hint of pain can be felt through the pleasure, just enough to heighten the sensation. The first swallows are heavenly, and he can taste the heat of the alcohol running through her. It's an added burn that he doesn't often indulge in.


tanyadams September 6 2009, 02:59:20 UTC
Fit, and strong, and healthy, and secure on what she wants.

She wants this, heating up more with the caresses, arching into his touch and presence; Damian's bite causes an hiss and shudder, but she does not recoil from it. Oh, it is rich, strong and warm, filling his mouth with pure life, sweet with her strength and the spice of the alcohol.

Tanya holds close, moaning low and shivering, letting the vampire feed at his leisure, not giving any signs of weakening, her pulse firm, her blood flowing as strongly after a few mouthfuls...


mr_smarty_vamp September 6 2009, 03:34:35 UTC
Tanya might not have any metaphysical powers that he can sense, but he can still taste that strength in her, and it makes the blood more palatable. It isn't as sustaining as a lycanthrope's blood, but he doesn't mind in the least. It just means that he gets to draw it all out and take a bit more blood from her than he would from one of his shapeshifting friends.

He swallows again and again, letting her heart do the work for him instead of drawing further on the wound. After several more swallows, he feels his heart start up, beating a frantic pace in his own chest. It pulls a deep moan from his throat, and he basks in the pleasure of the fresh blood pulsing through him, redistributing to heat his skin and fill the flesh between his legs. With the new blood, his body is finally able to respond to the pleasure he feels, just as it always does when he feeds.


tanyadams September 6 2009, 04:08:36 UTC
Tanya still holds to him, shivering at the sensations. She is not lost into it, sill very much aware and controlled, and if Damien does not take the initiative of stopping after a bit longer, she will put a bit of pressure on his shoulders, signaling she had enough... in more than one sense.

Funny part of having been wounded several times, you learn quickly how much blood loss it takes for you to pass out.

She does not plan to get that far.


mr_smarty_vamp September 6 2009, 04:28:54 UTC
Damian hasn't gotten that carried away in at least two centuries. No need to take that much ( ... )


tanyadams September 6 2009, 04:41:43 UTC
Black tank top. His care is appreciated, but not a high need.

Tanya comes down from the exquisite heights of pleasure and bliss, holding to Damian until her breath goes even and her heart's pace is back to normal as well.

"You were not exaggerating when you said it was... pleasurable." She would be blushing more, if a vampire had not just fed from her.


mr_smarty_vamp September 6 2009, 07:02:24 UTC
There is a slightly smug expression on Damian's face as he pulls back from her neck at last. It is subtle, as are most things with the crimson-haired vampire, but it is clear he is amused.

"It is the gift given to those of my original mistress' line. My younger colleague, Asher, can bring those he feeds to full orgasm with his bite alone. Our skill in pleasure has made us valued slaves to those more powerful than us over the centuries... but Jean-Claude saved me, and now they've saved Asher, too..."

His voice trails off. He isn't usually so talkative after feeding, even with the boost of energy that usually follows. It must be the addition of alcohol.


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