OOM: With Tanya Adams

Sep 06, 2009 14:17

Damian shows Tanya into his room, which is rather plain and relatively undecorated. At the moment, he is a vampire of few words, but the depths of his emerald eyes hold an eagerness that speaks for itself. He is pleased to find the room empty, which likely means that Jean-Claude is not in Milliways. When it comes to feedings, he prefers a bit of ( Read more... )

oom, damian, tanya adams

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mr_smarty_vamp September 6 2009, 04:28:54 UTC
Damian hasn't gotten that carried away in at least two centuries. No need to take that much.

After his heart starts in his own chest, he takes only a couple more swallows before drawing back. He laps at the blood that seeps from the neat wound, seeing to it that Tanya's shirt isn't ruined by the blood. Though he doesn't need to breathe, he pants lightly out of habit, pleasure still pulsing strongly in him. Even now, his magic remains connected to Tanya, letting her down gently from the high of the feeding.

He feels a bit lethargic, a bit less graceful than usual, and he can only assume it is the alcohol that now runs through his system. He isn't affected in the same way he would have been if he were still alive. Oddly enough, the alcohol makes him appear more human in his movements, stripping him of some of that otherworldly agility.

Damian lets his power slowly dissipate until he completely disconnects metaphysically from Tanya. He keeps her in his arms, though, enjoying the closeness for just a bit longer as he waits for the bleeding to lessen so he can bandage it properly.


tanyadams September 6 2009, 04:41:43 UTC
Black tank top. His care is appreciated, but not a high need.

Tanya comes down from the exquisite heights of pleasure and bliss, holding to Damian until her breath goes even and her heart's pace is back to normal as well.

"You were not exaggerating when you said it was... pleasurable." She would be blushing more, if a vampire had not just fed from her.


mr_smarty_vamp September 6 2009, 07:02:24 UTC
There is a slightly smug expression on Damian's face as he pulls back from her neck at last. It is subtle, as are most things with the crimson-haired vampire, but it is clear he is amused.

"It is the gift given to those of my original mistress' line. My younger colleague, Asher, can bring those he feeds to full orgasm with his bite alone. Our skill in pleasure has made us valued slaves to those more powerful than us over the centuries... but Jean-Claude saved me, and now they've saved Asher, too..."

His voice trails off. He isn't usually so talkative after feeding, even with the boost of energy that usually follows. It must be the addition of alcohol.


tanyadams September 6 2009, 16:10:38 UTC
And she listens, nodding, just relaxing. The experience has intense and very unique. "You can tell Asher that you just did the same for me..." Tanya looks embarrassed, but why not massage the vampire's ego a bit?

"I hope it was as good for you?" And she is curious as well. "How do I taste like?"


mr_smarty_vamp September 6 2009, 17:22:56 UTC
Damian blinks once in surprise. It is a rare thing for his bite to bring about someone's orgasm. That is not his talent. Pleasure, yes, but that much pleasure? Even after a thousand years, it's very rare.

"It's a difficult thing to describe." He picks Tanya up like she weighs nothing and deposits her on the bed so she can rest. After a quick trip to the bathroom, he begins bandaging the bite mark on her neck. He doesn't truly need to bandage it, since something in his saliva will keep it from getting infected, but it helps the human mind cope with things and feel safe with the wound is 'properly tended'.

"Your blood tastes of strength with its roots in combat. The alcohol lends it a spice that competes with the sweetness from the desire and arousal you felt." He leans over her, his touch warm as he tapes the gauze to her. Even after the feeding, he is pale, but the blood takes the stone-like edge off his appearance. "It was very good," he concludes with a small smile. It might not be lycanthrope blood, but he has enjoyed it. That the feeding and alcohol keep his mind in the present instead of wandering to the recent past is just another perk.


tanyadams September 6 2009, 21:21:57 UTC
Tanya will not protest against the medical care and the chance to rest: she is a bit drained, no pun intended. "Military veteran. Six years of war that almost destroyed my Earth." She nods.

"I feel like I will sleep very late tomorrow..." And she needs just that. "I feel like I have to thank you too."


mr_smarty_vamp September 6 2009, 21:46:33 UTC
"There's no need to thank me," Damian insists quietly, finishing with the bandaging. "You may sleep here as long as you like. Take your rest, Ms. Adams... and thank you for the drink."

The buzz of it in his system is sublime, and he fully intends to enjoy the distraction of it before dawn steals away his life again. He will take his rest in another room. Donor or not, Tanya is not a trusted friend that he will allow to watch over him the following day.


tanyadams September 6 2009, 22:42:47 UTC
"I will go to my room." Tanya smiles a bit. "Soon. Not fair to hog your bed..."

"And... some other time you are feeling peckish..." She would not mind a second try.


mr_smarty_vamp September 7 2009, 00:00:19 UTC
"As you wish," Damian concedes, not minding her staying or leaving. Either will suffice.

"I will call upon you when I have need," he assures her. Now that he knows her blood is safe from any otherworldly contagion, he will likely seek her out in the future. He's not thinking too much about the future at the moment, however.

"There is a small refrigerator in the corner there," he indicates with a pointed glance. "Help yourself if you grow thirsty." The lycanthropes tended to keep their rooms stocked with various power drinks for post-bite recovery. Even if Micah doesn't use this room, Damian has found it convenient for any donors they bring here.

"If you will excuse me," he says politely despite the alcohol pumping through him, "I have a sudden urge to take in the night." Another distraction, to be sure, but he needs that right now. "Thanks again for the drink."

He flashes her a subdued, but grateful smile, the expression looking a bit more natural than before he had fed, and makes a quiet retreat, shutting the door behind him.

He is certain that Tanya will rest and recover without incident. Assured of that, he makes his way outside and into the moonlight, his mind blissfully focused only on the moment.

[[ooc: Thank you! Feel free to make a last tag for Tanya if you wish to close it up. It was nice for Damian to have a positive interaction with someone outside the Anitaverse. ^_^]]


tanyadams September 7 2009, 02:36:20 UTC
She just listens and nods, relaxed... a while after Damian leaves, Tanya will get up, help herself to water and Gatorade, then move to her room.

And sleep. A long, peaceful and dreamless sleep.



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