caught up!

Feb 18, 2005 20:07

Been a well good but wierd week so far!
So pn sunday went to sarahs had a well good nite, got well drunk and shit was well fun lol then worked all day on monday,went to bens on tues and worked on the nite.

Then after work i went back to sarahs. Was ok.We had a lil spat cause of summit but then we sorted it out.hmmm then on wed woke up and had work on the nite, it was good cause i got left in charge it was great.

After work we all went back to sarahs dad. Wooo it was such a funnite. Got wasted real bad and was drinkin till like 3. Then me and sar went to bed and ummm went to slepp about 630. Then got outta bed for ten and meant to of been at work for 10 so was a little late. Ermm i felt like crap on the mornin too much drink! And on mon wen i got drunk and then i kept puchin walls and now there are cut and sore :S oh well.

Ermr yeah had work on thurs and meant of been all nite but if i helped him in the afternoon i could have the nite off so i did. Me and Ben went to merry hill and i spent to much money. I brought some new trainers, 2 jackets, 2 tops, ermm yeah then went to bed. Then today went to bens,went up merry hill and i got my chain and ring i got well nice!

And now going to lozs to see her then meeting sar and ben outta work!

Done no revision. I am such a dumbass.

I like having money again

May drop out

NOy sure


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