May 21, 2005 13:26
Okay, I'm not taking a lot of time because I don't have it.. & quite frankly, I can't due to shortage of breathe.
I'm alive.. barely, I've been in & out of the hospital for the past few weeks due to a partially collapsed lung. Thats right, you read correct.
It happened a couple weeks ago, on a Wednesday. I woke up out of a deep sleep, clutching my chest.. thinking almost I was having a heart attack. I couldn't breathe, my chest hurt badly, & it felt like it was caving in.. pinching me from the inside. Erin called an ambulance, to which when they arrived they thought my FATHER was having a heart attack. They soon realized it was I who was in pain, as I was clutching tightly & gasping for as much air as I could get. They even thought I was having a heart attack. I was given a couple nitro pills, which surprisingly took away the pinching feeling for a little bit.
Once I got to the hospital, they gave me shots, put an I.V. in & did all sorts of tests. They even X-Rayed me, to which in Mount Pleasant they couldn't figure out what was wrong. Mt. Pleasant released me, claiming I only had "muscle bruising." The hidden story behind my release & false injury was due to me not having insurance!!!!
My Father & Step Brother arrived & were walking toward my room, actually they went out for a smoke but as they were coming back, they over-heard the doctor's talking about how my tests came back negative (that I DIDN'T have a heart attack) & that I also didn't have insurance.. so they said "We can't keep him, just release him on a muscle bruise."
Directly after I left Mount Pleasant's hospital, I went to Iowa City's. They did basically the same thing, with the difference being the X-Ray. Mt. Pleasant took them too, but for some stupid reason over looked a COLLASPED FREAKING LUNG!!!!
My Father is currently looking into finding a lawyer to sue Mount Pleasant's Hospital for releasing me due to no insurance, with a severe injury such as what I had/have?! Iowa City didn't have to do surgery, but currently have me on meds.. I'm still suffering from pain.. sometimes mild, sometimes to much to bare. I thought on a couple different occations that I'd have to return to the hospital (via ambulance) again. Luckily I haven't, but my meds. are almost out.. & I still have pain.. so I don't know what to do.
What I do know is this.. I'm incredibly lucky to have the family, friends & loved ones that I do. I'm incredibly lucky that God just happened to be watching out for me & making sure nothing to "life threatening" did indeed take place. Our phones (for those wondering) are still off.. Erin & I are at the library. My concerns are no longer the internet, so much more as regaining my health & my ability to live life, without hurting everytime I move.. especially when I lose my breathe.
To my Mother & Father, I love you dearly for being by my side. To my Step Brother Jeff, thank you for being there.. along with Richard & Louis who cared deeply about what had happened. I thank God all the time that it wasn't more serious. And Thank you Erin, for loving me & sticking with me throughout all of this. To all my friends whom care & are reading.. thank you for your concern. I don't know when I'll be back online, but I will in time.. I hope. If anyone would like to reach Erin or I.. you can do so via phone.. (319) 537-0920.. this is my cell number.
Once again.. Thank everyone..
Be Happy, Have Faith,
Believe That ALL Things Are Possible...