Jan 26, 2004 11:50
There's a comp out on a belgian label named Sub Rosa Records that you all
must purchase.
It's a two disk set called an anthology of noise & electronic music, vol.
1/first a-chronology.
Here is the track listing:
Luigi & Antonio Russolo, Corale (1921)
A weird early mechanical music piece. Sounds like a wax cylinder recording, but
still pretty neat.
Walter Ruttman, Wochende (1930)
A Nazi filmaker, Ruttman made movies without pictures, and this Wochende
is avant garde in the same vein. Difficult to describe.
PIerre Schaeffer Cinq Etudes de Bruits: etude Violette (1948)
This is the guy who founded the concrete music institute or whatever.
Henri Pousseur, Scambi (1957)
He wrote this while working in Germandy with Stockhausen. It's dope,
sounds kind of like having your teeth cleaned by an evil ex-Nazi dentist.
Gordon Mumma, The Dresden Interleaf (1965)
If the last one was a teeth cleaning, this is a root canal. It's
Angus MacLIse, Tony Conrad and John Cale Trance #2 (1965)
weird, hard to make heads or tails of, not what you'd expect from Cale.
Philip Jeck, Otomo Yoshihinde, and Martin Teteault, Untitled #1 (2000)
Weird, synthy, but not techno at all, very like a film score to an old
movie run through a meat grinder. It's supposedly a live recording,
improvised, which is a little hard to accept, but fucking cool.
Survival Research Laboratories Octoboer 24, 1992 Graz Austria
Satudary Morning Cartoons meet Ornette Coleman, meet Peter Brotzman?
Just weeird sounding.
Einsturzende Neubauten, Ragout: Kuchen Rezpt von Einsturzende Neubauten
(1998) a weird little eno-esque ambient piece from the gods of german
industrial music. Previously unreleased.
Konrad Boehmer Aspekt (1966)
I don't think germans are capable of being funky. This is the one track I'm not sure I know what to think about yet.
Nam June Paik, Hommage a John Cage
weird audio collage
John Cage, Rozart Mix (1965)
Revolution No. 9 meets Grandmaster Flash (at least I hear scratching
vinyl, maybe I'm nuts but the liner notes back me up.)
Sonic Youth, Audience (1983)
a recording of their audience modified by the band at the end of a noisy
concert. previously unreleased.
Edgar Varese, Poeme Electronique (1958)
a classic
Iannis Xenakis Concret PH (1958)
a complement to Poeme Electonique, weird
DJ Spooky, FTP>Bundle/Conduit 23 (2001)
Neeat. just neeat. previously unreleased.
Pauline Oliveros, A little noise in the system (1966)
Wierd pink noise/moog thing that goes on for over thirty minutes. Wendy Carlos on Acid
Ryoji Ikeda, One Minute (1997)
Whacked out Japanese noise a la Merzbow. Very cool.