27th Edition :: Reminifent of Noftradamus at hif beft

May 22, 2009 13:05

As... er, unusual as such matters are at the best of times in the City, I think it works much better than yesterday's mess. I trust no irate spirits caused any trouble in the shop yesterday. But, as is generally the case, things are back to what passes for normal. Though lately I've had the sense that I ought to be paying more attention... to... well, I haven't the foggiest, or I would.

Well, in lighter matters... I'd like to remind you all that Bilton & Scaggs is always in search of stock, so if you've used books you'd like to sell, do come visit. I think we've been selling more than we've been buying, and while it's certainly good for business I'll admit it makes me a little antsy...

[ooc: HEY GUYS! I set up a random bookstore action thread for Aziraphale, if anyone. ever feels. like bothering him about books |D FEEL FREE TO SPAM HIM. Yes. idek i thought it could be fun.]
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