Why do I always get the Waiter from Hell?

Jul 04, 2007 02:03

To Chevy's restaurant:

Please train your employees.  PLEASE.

To my "freak-a-zoid from hell" waiter (yeah, I always get them):

1. When I put my menu down, I'm ready to order.  And not a moment sooner, even if you do stop by the table every 45 seconds to badger me.

2. When I order an item, "Beef?" is not an appropriate response.  Tell me my options:  "Would you like that will beef or chicken?"

3. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT bring my entree to me before I have finished my soup.  I don't care if "they're really fast back there tonight for some reason."  Nothing puts me into a slow burn faster than having to sit and watch my dinner get cold while I finish the appetizer.  If that means not putting the order in until I've finished and you've removed the soup bowl from my table, then so be it.  If I were the "send it back" type, your life tonight could have been hell.  Lucky for you, I'm only the "reduce your tip" type.

4. Do not keep asking me in that ever so creepy voice (do you work at that, or does it come naturally?!)  "And how is the soup tonight?"   Once, I understand.  Beyond that, if you really want to know, get your own damn bowl and try it.

5.  I really don't think your employer EVER wants to hear you utter the sentences:  "Are you done?  You don't want any dessert, do you?"

6.  If you're going to try to overcharge me, at least go to the effort to feign surprise when I point it out.

And to the perfectly able-bodied woman who parked in the handicapped space in front of Walgreens, and looked like you were proud of yourself for doing it:

Shame. On. You.

food, rude people, bad waiters, rant, restaurant

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