Wow. The Pixies show yesterday was amazing. It was definitely one of my favourite concert experiences ever, which in itself is amazing since shows as big as last night usually go horribly wrong thanks to the mass amount of idiots who think that they should mosh to just about anything.
therobot and I found a great spot pretty close to the stage. The opening bands were nothing to write home about and even though it was an early show, I found myself struggling to stay awake. When the Pixies took the stage I actually got tingly all over and I got a rush of adrenalin that kept me going for most of the show. Hearing the Pixies live was better than I hoped it would be. Aside from Kim’s vocals occasionally sounding distorted and a little behind the band sounded great and played the entire set song to song without any downtime.
Again I can’t stress how relieved I was that the crowd didn’t ruin the show for me. Although early on, a whole chain of budders squeezed through the crowd and decided to stop right in front of us. This was very uncool (as Erin told them) and we were all pretty pissed but then the dumbass directly in front of me lit up a joint and within seconds was pulled away by a bouncer. His annoying friends followed him out of the crowd and I could once again focus on the band. I guess the lesson is, don’t bud and then smoke bud at concerts.