What is it, it's not just the above for sentient life, as that's us and there is more to it.
The influence other events have on us:-
[Close/Near To] [Us/People We Know]
Things we belive in and hope for, far reaching goals for the world and for us. Where does life spring from for me in this day and age? the experiences that happen every day are they life, does it count as Life or is that just something that happens. The interllectual thoughts that go though [Our/My] minds, and character development we make does that count as life. Is life something bigger, the 'grand scheme of things' where individual response and interaction matters at a minimal level. Where is it going to take it? Destruction is mirrored on many levels of life, 50% of all life is parasitic by default, so is all 'life' ment to destroy life around it. Natural competion and selection says that every species is looking to fill as many niches as possible. Defenses are erected by (I've just lost the game) everything, from simple spikes to neurotoxins. Is it just ment to be that we destroy us and everything because that's the nature of the situation.
Shouldn't I as a civilised being stop the inherent destruction that circuming to natural urges will lead to. Or perhaps there is the higher order of such actions and whatever is tried it will end with the species ending itself.