Wednesday 15th July
We have spent a great deal of time planning our assault on the ships and the men. It seems Ogata-san has a favor from the water spirits and we are wanting to encourage a storm into the bay. I don’t understand these dealings with kami but I am sure Ogata-san knows what he is doing. It seems such a daunting task and people’s attention has seemed to waver from the task in hand. As a further step Sakuma-san, Toymora-san and Niken-san are going to the villages and destroying any supplies they can find. During this time we will be covering the pass out and stopping any messages going through. We leave tomorrow.
Thursday 16th July
We are looking at extending our campaign for the long term and ensuring that no resources can come and aid this army. Our captain left the previous night and we arrived in our staging bay and have a few sailors with us to help carry our supplies.
We have a hard days hike ahead of us and I feel it will be even more grueling as I have still not got used to climbing though these mountains in armor.
The views were amazing and it was almost too hot to be climbing around but our arrival was well found with a most excellent cave in the crack. Seeing the army from a closer view the camp seems to house 3,000 people, 1,600 of which are under arms. The rest seems to be servants and ancillary personnel. There are 500 archers, 800 ashigari and 300 samurai with up to 150 mounted on horses. A sizable force but if our plan succeeds then we should be able to cut them all down.
Friday 17th July
We have consolidated our place of residence, and the weather seems to be closing up. We are going to be scouting out where we are going to be hitting them.
Niken has a further brief aside from destroying the food, he is to free as many of moored boats as possible.
We are heading out across the pass today and the sailors are going to be coming with us to help with the climbing.
Saturday 18th July
We have carried on somewhat further to go past the village and set an ambush. Hopefully it will stop anyone coming past. We have found a crevasse to conceal ourselves in and from this point we can see a mile in each direction.
A group of messengers has come to get past and we have cut them down.
Sunday 19th July
A group of civilians has tried to get though the pass and we cut them down and then moved further down the road. The storm has continued unabated and even seems to have increased in vigor over the last day.
A hard battle was fought and I managed to cut down my foe as I collapsed from a serious bleeding neck wound. Katsusada has helped me up form where I was seated and we are looking around for a new place to spring at the troops. I have taken somewhat of a beating but I am sure that I will recover soon.
Also I spoke to the group of samurai and they have a competent medic with them. A few bandages exchanged later and I trekked back to the rest of the group. We are hiding out of sight of the previous killings.
Monday 20th July
We have climbed the cliffs to get an overview of the situation and how we are to proceed. The dock is a mess and most of the ships are damaged and destroyed. There seems to be a huge hole in the camp from some kind of fire. The army also seems to be making preparations for moving out.
We have headed back towards the original cave where everyone else has been in hiding.
Tuesday 21st July
Our climb continued after meeting with everyone and then head back to our ship. The captain was quite surprised when we told him the army was fleeing.
Wednesday 22nd July
We have slipped away back onto sea heading back to Nishigori lands. I think Sakuma-san is writing a report of the events concerning why the army is leaving.
Thursday 23rd July
The seas hold no friend for me now as I have seen the amazing power and destruction a storm can bring onto a fleet. Nothing I have been taught could help with such an event.
Friday 24th July
Our voyage continues and we are all looking forward to heading back to friendly lands. Most of my wounds have healed with the rest we have got over the days on the boat.
Saturday 25th July
Our days at sea have left me nervous, the scale of events sinking in, we have routed an army with 16 men and a fleet ahs been destroyed..
Sunday 26th July
We have arrived back in Nishigori lands and are going to give our debrief and see if they have any further instructions for us.