[Pokedressing log 10]

Nov 21, 2010 11:11

Today I discover that singing to my pokemon somehow...attract a lot of people over? It was weird. I mean, I was bored, pokemon were bored, so I sang. Pokemon were also brought over... like a modest natured Doredia that could talk. It was kind of weird, she got lost a lot with the kind of words I use I guess, I'm used to talking to Zorro more than any other talking pokemon. She had nice dances and preferred to stay in the wild so I respected that and let her do her thing in her happy peace, it was a nice encounter.

That spunky Pikachu from a few weeks ago found his way here and he's still the same as ever. It wasn't until meeting this Pokemon that I realized interacting with a Pokemon that wasn't yours was a little harder to understand, but it wasn't impossible to learn to understand that Pokemon more either. Tanna seems to like and dislike him and it's funny to see but I can't let her always have her way and be haughty to try and get her way. The Pikachu stayed for a little while but soon zipped off else where.

Lottie also dropped by less antagonistic than usual, but she still teased playfully. She's a cool girl, heh. She came over with good news and it showed because she wasn't as gruff as usual and was blushing and smiling a lot. In a weird way, we're really really similar. I tend to feel like she's more of my alternate self than the other Touyas are. I was right when she told me she met a really nice and smart girl. Even though they met through that terrible, terrible red string, it's great that she got fortune out of it and I hope that it becomes official she certainly deserves this, it's also cute to see her this way anyways.

Soon, bitty Red came over, and I swear he's the cutest little kid ever. He's just so placid and pleasant, I wonder what his parents are like to get a kid like that? He came by with sea shells and the way his eyes lit up when they sparkled in the sun was so nice, I miss having that kind of innocence, when simple things like that was enough to light you up like that when you're bored or down.  I told him some things about Isshu and he told me about some things of his home town and friends. Sadly, none of them were here with him. It's alright, though, if he ever needed anything he could always come to me, N, or my own bitty self.  I let him know my seven year old self was here to play with, but he's always on the go so Red should drop by more often in order to catch him.

A little after he left, then my bitty self came over. He decided to sing along too and just be a general little derp right afterward especially over that Bell. I need to steer him away from Gold I'm genuinely not all that comfortable around him yet, and not with my childself either. Just as I thought that, I ran into the crazy bastard a little while later.  As usual the cycle starts.

I mind my own business, he comes by being obnoxious, I play it off, he continues to be obnoxious, I confront him on something and he avoids it with a side order of being a creeper. When I noticed his more slouched than usual posture, I decided to punch at him and confirm that he was injured doing something stupid. He fought that other N's Zorroark of all things thinking he can train to go up against Pokemon, what a crazy moron as if the wounds he has aren't enough proof of this futile effort. Then after that, he goes into his cynicism that I really hate; not just him but from anyone. I hate cynicism, it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get, but if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen. Kind is not apart of his biostructure and probably never ever will be. It's hard to be around him and not get irritated, disheartened, or just flat out uncomfortable.

It got even worse.

Even my Pokemon scurried away from that dark aura of his radiating through the area. Mood killer, you know.

For some reason that I still don't get is that he trusts me. Why? I don't want his burdens, his really fucked up burdens. I don't even remember most of what he said besides it being so fucked up I wonder what kind of crapsack shithole he came from? I don't know whether to be wary or sympathetic and I really wish he did not tell me this. It shot my mood down with a shot gun and I just wanted to get out of there. To finalize the 'what the fuck just happened' he gets all...weird and his voice gets raw and he gripped my shoulder. I kept my calm here, even though I don't really like him touching me, especially after that whole kiss thing and him insisting I wanted it (Seriously? No.)  It's especially more creepy and unnerving with how he insists he knows me and that I'm 'easy to read' no get that bullshit out of here.

I let him know right away no matter how he stalks me and tries to tell me these things he will never make me lose my faith in the things I have faith in, he would never make me lose my heart or anything. I take these things very seriously and I don't appreciate his over bearing attitude or behaviors towards me. Then all of a sudden he got soft spoken and trusting. He bi-polar I can see that, and that makes him even more unpredictable than he was before; I don't like unpredictability. I really don't. Especially when I try to get things across he always turns it back on me to avoid answering and that's really suspecious and I can't really...trust that. It feels like I am walking on eggshells here and that's not a very nice feeling.

Even if he swaps faces all the time to normal friend guy, to crazy cynical bastard dude.

I don't want to get closer to him, but with how much of a stalker he is I doubt I could cut him out either. This is why I just prefer acquaintances than friends. This is exactly why. Then he starts to apologize and that was really odd and I didn't like it, I can tell his life was fucked so he didn't need to apologize about it, but--I don't know I'm still shaken up over this. When he finally left and the pokemon came back, i went back to caring for them. My mood still bad, wallflower came back with really bad timing. I think his entire life is full of bad timing. I probably need to make it up to him later, I can only deal with so much before I want to stay inside and away from people ugh.

What a load of shit that was.

lottie, gold, log, red, bitty, double, pokedressing

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