Well, I have a broken leg so I might as well sit down and review my days here more, yeah? How I broke my leg? Rather interestingly. A new arrival to the Island is a seven year old me. I didn't notice at first because I was on a walk with N, but while on the walk
I saw just a kid climbing a really tall tree and I encouraged him because it was pretty impressive. (But he's me, so!) He didn't believe me at first, so I had to go in this weird future to past speech in order for him to believe me, it was like out of some scifi flick. Either way, the amount of dejavu I felt in this moment was really strange but lucky because I saved him from something terrible.
But I broke my leg breaking his fall.
I'm okay with this, as long as he wasn't harmed (and he thankfully had no scratches or anything). I almost wanted to go crazy with time loop theories but I broke my arm originally as a child, now at 16(almost 17 actually) I broke my leg saving my child self. N freaked out at me as always and to stop my mini me from crying I gave him my hat which he really enjoys...it's cute. But is it narcissistic to find myself cute? My younger self anyways? After I got patched up I went for a walk around the beach and saw Gold.
I saw that he was actually reading, he didn't seem like the kind of person to study anything. After I helped him he decided to be all nosy about my life again, more specifically my sex life. Why does he keep asking me these things, it does not help he is a horny little bastard that tried to get into my pants several times before.
Why do I still talk to this person.
Oh. Right. While I was getting a cast, my mini me ran off to play again and I hoped that he didn't to go climb that goddamned tree again but I was hardass as a kid and he did.
He came back with what he was looking for and it was...oddly wrapped around his neck. I asked him what happened, how'd he get it, ready to scold him for his misactions but it turned out
stalkerwithacap...tied it there. What the fuck. That is motherfucking creepy and I am still creeped out by that shit. It's worse he took him to his den of a house by hand and fed him I don't care what that is comparable to the van method. I'm also questioning why did I not know the concept of stranger danger at seven what is this bullshit. I'm angry, creeped out and violated. If only I found that out sooner, I would've set my crutch on fire and hit him with it when I saw him earlier.
I told my mini me things he should've known by now and made him go to bed sakjdshjbfdkjf
After slightly getting over it (that still lingers goddamn it) the following day
I ran into another new arriver, an older version of that blonde kid I saw but as a teenaged girl in more casual clothing. She was blushy and weird at first, but she settled down and was really pleasant, she reminds me of Belle kind of. I gave her my old map, so I need to remember to remake my own copy of it again, and teach my little self how to read one too. I also gave Yellow a starter kit of things I'm not sure why I did, i just did...she appreciated it none the less. Also gave her some of that strawberry pocky I wasn't going to eat much of and my childself was going to eat too much of. (Of course later in the afternoon he bitched about it for several minutes)
On the way out I ran into N who really fusses over My mini me and I, I wonder how I can help him relax a little bit. When he caught me, though, I got stuck in the house after letting Yellow go explore. I'll try to rest more for him, but I just can't sit still inside for too long, neither would sitting out on the porch be much of a difference.
Old people do that.
I'll just prove to him that I can go about my business and go about it fast with these crutches.