Oct 25, 2007 00:25
i'm really unsure of the point of it. really. what the fuck is the point?! i can't stand the loneliness. i can't stand it here. i can't stand being in my head. i really hate this world, there is nothing left in this world that isn't ruined. fuck fuck fuck.
i realized today there is no point of having a funeral when i die, no one would be there. no one remembers me, EVER. i am truly truly forgettable, completely unmemorable. the type of personality and face that makes no lasting impression. i have left no mark on anything in this world, it is as if i don't even exist. do i exist?
there is no one place on this planet i feel or imagine i could belong. i don't belong anywhere or to anyone. i dont even belong to myself. i keep trying to lose myself but everywhere i go, there i am. fuck its annoying.
my father is dead. my school is being torn down. my childhood home is gone and all my friends scattered on the wind. i have no past, no roots. no attachment to anything.
my family would do so much better without me weighing them down.
no friends and a family better off without me in their life to make it so horrible. there is just nowhere left to go.
all of this self pitying drivel is enragingly pathetic.